
Gillian completed the programme as you laid out. She is brilliant!!. She is much more confident both in and out of school. Reading is now one of her favourite leisure activities. She has recently said that she could “see the pictures dancing in front of her eyes as she reads.” Her school results have improved so much you can see the confidence oozing from her.
G. Power
Navan - Ireland
At twenty-four years of age I had concluded that poor memory, spelling and comprehension were going to be my “Achilles heel” where further education was concerned. Whilst with poise I could always stand up and read aloud in class, I found answering questions on text extraordinarily hard, I really could not remember what I had just read. ……now my spelling is marvellous and thankfully reading anything seems worthwhile, now I can remember it with simplicity. I have read some great novels my friends always spoke about and can keep up to date with the current affairs in newspapers and magazines. Genuine thanks.
K. Young aged 24
Today I was at his (Paul’s) parent/teacher meeting. He has improved in all subjects, but his English Teacher was so impressed, she enquired about what I had done to him. She gave the class a poem and instructed them to turn it into a film, from a director’s point of view. She actually sent Paul’s work to the poet, to get his view, that is how impressed she was. Also she said she never has to correct the same spelling error a second time. ….. Thank you for turning a shy, low self esteemed boy into an articulate, confident man.
P. Daly aged 17
Co. Offaly - Ireland
We carried out our mental exercises diligently for the 28 days recommended, with remarkable results. As you may remember Maeve’s major difficulty lay with her maths. Using your recommended learning strategy Maeve was for the first time able re recite her tables, as prophesised her classmates thought she was reading them off the ceiling. Her understanding of concepts in the maths field is developing well……. Her improvement is also evident in her weekly spelling tests where she scores 19 or 20 out of 20 since our consultation. …… Most importantly Maeve finds learning easier and is enjoying her newfound success as a student.
M. Tackney
Virginia, Co Cavan - Ireland
Stephen has made a vast improvement …..his concentration is much better and now he can read for much longer, as before his head used to spin when he read. His writing has improved enormously, lovely and neat now. His co-ordination has gotten much better. He is picked for the soccer every week as before he found it hard to make the team.
S. Collins
Co Cork - Ireland
I started to see changes very soon into the program….She loves to read now and to see her read to herself and laugh to herself as she reads is just wonderful. ..Her spellings are great….Her self-confidence is better and her anxiety attacks are gone. Thank you so much … The hard work that you and your team have done for dyslexic children is just wonderful. You have finally given our children a voice and professionals in education are finally taking note of what you have to say! I would encourage every parent to go for the dyslexia@bay programme. The programme has changed Aine’s life and mine. I have a confident little girl who will go on to do wonderful things.
Mother of Aine (aged 11)
I enclose the article written about Joshua in our local paper. It was a special day for me and the family, and for him to receive this special award for reading, along with a gift voucher for €20 for a local bookshop. We were all so proud of him. If it wasn’t for you and all your guidance and help he would not be as happy, cheerful and able to read today.
Mother of Joshua (aged 7)
Within the first week we noticed a huge improvement in his handwriting. His teacher has also said that his behaviour has improved. He is more attentive and fidgeting less. She even feels that his reading is more fluid. During the first two weeks I could definitely see Eoin visualising the words and he got full marks in his spelling tests! I have also seen an improvement in his attitude to homework. In the past I would have and to sit down beside him and take each piece of homework out. Now he is much more confident in doing it himself and prefers to just call me when he needs me!
Mother of Eoin (aged 9)
From the beginning of Patrick’s school life he complained of headaches and pains in his stomach and of feeling sick….In the past weeks having completed the programme he can now read comfortably without headaches and feeling sick. He can learn poetry, take down notes clearly and generally pick up information and more importantly retain it with ease. His Maths teacher complimented him on his recent great improvement, giving him a Grade A. Thank you so much.
Mother of Patrick (aged 16)
I made brilliant progress in my reading, writing and spelling. I thought the course was marvellous…it gave me the confidence to aim high and not let any obstacle stand in my way…. I no longer forget my PE gear and locker key!
Kevin (aged 13)
Before we started the programme Alan was unable to follow a simple story. He had to concentrate so much on the words that he found it difficult to follow the storyline. He now reads fluently and he can even read the news for the deaf on TV. His reading has gone from that of a young child sounding out words, to that of someone who has no difficulties whatsoever. What is even better is that he now enjoys reading and it is not the chore it used to be. He is doing really well at school and his spelling has improved immensely.
Mother of Alan (aged 13)
Kevin left your office with a pap in his step – he had discovered he was a genius…. It was far more than “the words” you gave him…. His confidence is just amazing, not only around words and spelling etc but everywhere. He has come out of his shell at home, in schools and on the playing field. Kevin’s reading has improved – he is not skipping lines, he reads more fluently with more expression and he has moved on to a more age appropriate book…. In recent days I have left him to read on himself and I have been amazed that twenty/thirty minutes later he is still reading. ….Overall it has been a wonderful experience for both of us, for which we are most grateful.
Mother of Kevin (aged 12)
When he first went to you he was having great difficulty with reading and spelling. He has made great progress in these areas since completing the programme. … This has had a great effect on his confidence. He as great difficulty with phonics and is now overcoming this by using his, now greatly improved, memory.
Mother of Alan (aged 8)
His teacher is very pleased with his improvement and feels that if he continues in this manner he will be well up to 6th class work. She no longer comments on his looking around…. I think he is happier all round and is no longer afraid of words. Thank you so much.
Mother of Callum (aged 11)
In his last spelling test Cian got eighteen out eighteen which was brilliant; he was so happy. Cian’s reading has really improved. It is a pleasure to hear him read a full page and for him to know all the words….He is much happier going to school. Thank you for all your help.
Mother of Cian (aged 10)
We would like to says thanks for firstly helping Karen overcome her spelling and word recognition problem, and secondly for directing us to a new way of learning. She has take part in a few county events and is the first pupil to win gold for her school. She now has a keen interest in Sonia O’Sullivan and from her new learning method, she has read about Sonia’s Career from hear early days to date. This information can be recalled at ease – hence this method of learning and retaining details has certainly been successful for Karen.
Parents of Karen (aged 12)
All my life adult life I have been embarrassed by my reading and spelling abilities. After the 28 days programme I can spell words like ‘cosmopolitan’, ‘economics’, ‘paracetamol’. Only a few weeks ago these words were impossible for me.
Sandra (aged 36)